Monday, March 7, 2011

Materials And Methods

The present investigation consisted of three basic methodological approaches, viz,: (i) Field observations and vegetation study (ii) Physico-chemical properties of water; and (iii) Physico-chemical properties of soil. The mangrove plant species were recorded and collected round the three years of the different five spots in every summer, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter seasons from March 2006 to February 2009. Water and soil samples were also collected for laboratory analysis in the same four different seasons to determine physical, chemical and nutrient status. Relationship between water and soil properties and importance value percent of the mangrove plant species were also statistically evaluated. 

Selection Of The Sampling Spots
A total of 5 (five) sampling spots were selected for this research works covering almost all the main mangrove regions of Satkhira range. The study spots and their abbreviated field demarcations are as follows:

Name of mangrove forest spots and their symbolic representation are given below-

  1. Koikhali forest area (Spot-1)
  2. Kadamtala forest area (Spot-2)
  3. Burigoalini forest area (Spot-3)
  4. Kalagachia forest area (Spot-4)
  5. Kobadak forest area (Spot-5)


The first sampling spot Koikhali is situated 70 km away form Satkhira main town. It is situated 13 km western side of Kadamtala Forest Station. It is 2 km away form Koikhali forest station and situated on the river Kalindi. It is upper part of Raymongal estuarie. This spot consists with three sites.

Site - I (Bokchara): Bokchara site is the eastern part of Kalindi river and 2 km south form Kadamtola forest station. This site is inundated during the period of high tide and is flat or slightly sloping. There is soil erosion in this site and it is rich with diverse plan population.

Site - II (Golakhali): Golakhali site is situated on the bank of the river Mamdu. It is the eastern part of Mamdu river and 1.5 km south eastern side away form Koikhali forest station. This is rich with diverse flora and inundated during the high tide.

Site - III (Mathavanga): Mathavabga is situated on the bank of the river Mirgang. It is about 2 km east form Koikhali forest station. This stand is comparatively high and the river erosion in this site is minimum. It is rich with diverse plant population.

Sampling Spot – 2 (Kadamtala Forest Area)
It is located at Kadamtala forest station which is 77 km away form Satkhira main town. It is situated on the bank of the river Chunkuri. It is upper part of the Jamuna-Malancha estuaries and is about 13 km east from Koikhali forest station. This spot also consists with three sites.

Site - I (Chunkuri): Chunkuri site is 1km west form Kadamtala forest station. This area inundated during the period of high tide and is situated on the river Chunkari. This site is flat or slightly sloping.

Site – II (Kadamtala):This site is located to opposite of Kadamtala forest station. It is eastern part of Kadamtala khal. Erosion is minimum here than other site. This site is moderately sloping and inundated during the period of high tide.

Site - III (Kalukhali): Kalukhali is located in the western side of Kalukhali khal. It is about 1km away form Munsigonj and it is rich with diverse plant population.

Sampling Spot – 3 (Burigoalini Forest Area)

This spot is very close to the Burigoalini forest station, which is 72km away from Satkhira main town. This spot is mostly disturbed by tourist and fish fry collector. This spot consists with three sites.

Site – I (Choto Kewakhali): This site is situated on the bank of the River Arpangasia which is about 1 km south from Burigoalini forest station. This forest is separated in north south in to two part by a small channel namely Choto Kewakhali khal.

Site - II (Gagirteck): This area is just opposite to the Burigoalini forest station and it is situated on the bank of the river Arpangasia. Most of the places are plain, sometimes slightly elevated.

Site - III (Dathnekhali): This site is situated on the bank of the river Chuna and 1km north from Burigoalini forest station.  The land of this forest area is seen to be quite elevated, but under the effect of the tidal water flowing regularly. 

Sampling Spot – 4 (Kalagachia)

This spot is situated on the bank of the river Kalagachia which is about 4 km south from Burigoalini forest station. Most of the forest floor is inundated frequently. There are many small canals and depressions inside the forest. Soil is clayey to clayloam and almost wet due to frequent inundation. This spot is consisted of 3 sites.

Site - I (Khalisabunia): This site is just the opposite side of the Kalagachia forest camp and is situated on the bank of the river Kalagachia-Arpangachia. Most of the place is more or less plain, sometimes slightly elevated. The habitats are observed to be frequently inundated and soils are mostly clayey that might be due to the flowing tidal water.

Site - II (Pashurtala): The site is about 1.5 km southern side form Kalagachia forest camp which is situated on the bank of the river Kalagachia. In this site, there is minimum soil erosion and the site is rich with mangrove plant population. This area is inundated during the period of high tide.

Site -III (Kewakhali): This site is situated near Kewakhali Khal which is about 1km north from Kalagachia Forest Camp. Most of the forest floor inundated frequently. There are many small canals and depressions inside the forest. Erosion is comparatively high in this site and it is rich with diverse plant populations.  

Sampling Spot -5 (Kobadak Forest Area)

This spot is about 6 km east- southern side from Kalagachia Forest Camp which is situated on the bank of the river Kobadak- Arpangasia system. Kobadak sampling spot is basically a frequently inundated habitat with very thin vegetation. Soil of this site is wet, sandy- loamy in river side and clayey inside the forest. Interference and encroachment due to the presence of seasonal fishermen’s settlement is notable in this forest. This spot is consisted of 3 sites.

Site - I (Katteshar): The name of this site is Katteshar which is about 2 km west from Kobadak forest station. There are many small canals and depressions inside the forest. The soil of this forest is sandy-loamy, wet or slightly clayey. Most of the places are more or less plain sometimes slightly elevated.

Site - II (Sapkhali): This site is just opposite side of the Kobadak forest station and is situated on the western bank of the river Arpangasia. Soil erosion is lower here than other sites. The habitats are observed to be frequently inundated and soils are mostly sandy-loamy that may be due to the flowing of tidal water.

Site- III (Shannashichar): The name of this site is Shannashichar which is about 2 km south western side from Kobadak forest station. The trees of all associated species are observed to scattered. The land of this forest area is quite elevated, but under the effect of tidal water flowing regularly. The soil near the canal, i.e. at the edge of forest is sandy-loamy and non clayey and that inside the forest is compact loamy, covered by a thin layer of slippery clay.

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